How to order through Geological Society of South Africa

Email your order / invoice request to: Marliese Olivier accounts@gssa.org.za  Tel: 011 358 0029


35th IGC field trip Title Author ISBN Number Cost (incl VAT) + postage extra
Robben Island
OD Pre-5 Robben Island John Rogers 978-0-99470872-4 R100.00
The Permo-Triassic boundary in the Karoo
Pre-3 The Permo-Triassic boundary in the Karoo Johann Neveling 978-0-99470873-1 R200.00
Zevenwacht Wine Estate and Tin Mine
OD Post-4 Zevenwacht Wine Estate and Tin Mine Doug Cole 978-0-99470874-8 R100.00
The Building Stones of Cape Town
OD Pre-8 / OD Post-1 The Building Stones of Cape Town Doug Cole 978-0-99470875-5 R100.00
Northern Tanzania
ExSA Post-2 Northern Tanzania RN Scoon 978-0-99470870-0 R200.00
Eastern limb of the Bushveld Complex
Pre-7 Eastern limb of the Bushveld Complex RN Scoon 978-0-99470871-7 R200.00
Craton Traverse
Pre-8 Craton Traverse Herman van Niekerk R200.00
On the trail of Charles Darwin and John Herschel: The Cape in the 1830s
OD Pre-11 On the trail of Charles Darwin and John Herschel: The Cape in the 1830s INHIGEO; Gregory Good, Brian Warner, Barry Cooper, John Compton R100.00
Orange River geology by canoe
Pre-14 Orange River geology by canoe David Reid 978-0-99470878-6 R100.00
Namibia — Nama Group geology and Ediacaran fossils
ExSA_Pre-2 Namibia — Nama Group geology and Ediacaran fossils Pat Vickers-Rich et al. R350.00
Southern Cape Geology: Evolution of a rifted margin
Post-11 Southern Cape Geology: Evolution of a rifted margin Jean Malan, Jurie Viljoen R200.00
Geology and palaeontology of the Cape West Coast: Langebaan Lagoon and West Coast Fossil Park
OD Pre-1 Geology and palaeontology of the Cape West Coast: Langebaan Lagoon and West Coast Fossil Park Hayley Cawthra 978-0-99470876-2 R150.00
Alluvial Diamond Deposits
Pre-6 Alluvial Diamond Deposits Mike de Wit, Gary Dorkin, Dave Morris R200.00
Namibia—Namib Desert
ExSA_Pre-5 Namibia — Namib Desert Roger Swart, John Ward R200.00
The Geology and Seismicity of the Southwestern Cape
OD Post-03 The Geology and Seismicity of the Southwestern Cape C. de Beer and N. Flint R100.00
The Magaliesberg Cableway
ODPre-3 Pre-Conference Day Excursion: The Magaliesberg Cableway Morris Viljoen R150.00
Cape Fold Belt
Pre-11 Cape Fold Belt Chris J. H. Hartnady, Michael I. H. Hartnady, Dylan Blake, and Rowena Hay

Trip leader: Chris Jackson

Geology of the Barberton Greenstone Belt: Processes on the Early Earth
Pre-16, Post-7 Geology of the Barberton Greenstone Belt Christoph Heubeck 978-0-99470877-9 R200.00
Eastern Bushveld, KNP, Escarpment
Post-2 Processes on the Early Earth: Eastern Bushveld, KNP, Escarpment Morris Viljoen 978-0-99470879-3 R200.00
Karoo Transect One Hundred Million Years of Evolving Terrestrial Ecosystems in the Main Karoo Basin
Pre-4 Karoo Transect
One Hundred Million Years of Evolving Terrestrial Ecosystems in the Main Karoo Basin
Roger Smith and Bruce Rubidge R200.00
Central Witwatersrand gold
OD Pre-2 Central Witwatersrand gold Morris Viljoen R100.00