A huge contribution was made by the field trip leaders towards making the 45 diverse field trips so enjoyable and memorable for the over 750 delegates that took part in these excursions. Participants were able to undertake 21 one-day trips within South Africa, 17 multi-day excursions across this region, and 6 excursions that visited Namibia, Tanzania, Angola and Zimbabwe.
The field trip leaders contributed superb guidebooks that are all high quality, specialized records that fill a gap between the many journal publications referenced and popular media. Due to the many requests received for copies of the guidebooks, the 35IGC Legacy Fund has invested in the re-editing and publication of many of the guidebooks that will serve as a long-term record of the 35th IGC.
The printed guidebooks are held in stock by the Geological Society of South Africa, and other retailers. Should demand warrant the release of all the guidebooks in digital format on a memory stick, this will be considered.
35th IGC field trip | Title | Author | ISBN Number |
OD Pre-5 | Robben Island | John Rogers | 978-0-99470872-4 |
Pre-3 | The Permo-Triassic boundary in the Karoo | Johann Neveling | 978-0-99470873-1 |
OD Post-4 | Zevenwacht Wine Estate and Tin Mine | Doug Cole | 978-0-99470874-8 |
OD Pre-8 / OD Post-1 | The Building Stones of Cape Town | Doug Cole | 978-0-99470875-5 |
ExSA Post-2 | Northern Tanzania | RN Scoon | 978-0-99470870-0 |
Pre-7 | Eastern limb of the Bushveld Complex | RN Scoon | 978-0-99470871-7 |
Pre-8 | Craton Traverse | Herman van Niekerk | |
OD Pre-11 | On the trail of Charles Darwin and John Herschel: The Cape in the 1830s | INHIGEO; Gregory Good, Brian Warner, Barry Cooper, John Compton | |
Pre-14 | Orange River geology by canoe | David Reid | 978-0-99470878-6 |
ExSA_Pre-2 | Namibia — Nama Group geology and Ediacaran fossils | Pat Vickers-Rich et al. | |
Post-11 | Southern Cape Geology: Evolution of a rifted margin | Jean Malan, Jurie Viljoen | |
OD Pre-1 | Geology and palaeontology of the Cape West Coast: Langebaan Lagoon and West Coast Fossil Park | Hayley Cawthra | 978-0-99470876-2 |
Pre-6 | Alluvial Diamond Deposits | Mike de Wit, Gary Dorkin, Dave Morris | |
ExSA_Pre-5 | Namibia—Namib Desert | Roger Swart, John Ward | |
OD Post-03 | The Geology and Seismicity of the Southwestern Cape | C. de Beer and N. Flint | |
ODPre-3 | The Magaliesberg Cableway | Morris Viljoen | |
Pre-11 | Cape Fold Belt | Chris J. H. Hartnady, Michael I. H. Hartnady, Dylan Blake, and Rowena Hay
Trip leader: Chris Jackson |
Post-7 | Geology of the Barberton Greenstone Belt | Christoph Heubeck | 978-0-99470877-9 |
Post-2 | Processes on the Early Earth: Eastern Bushveld, KNP, Escarpment | Morris Viljoen | 978-0-99470879-3 |
35th IGC field trip | Title | Author | ISBN Number |
OD Pre-2 | Central Witwatersrand gold | Morris Viljoen | |
Post 6 | Archean Stromatolites and their Depositional Environments | Wlady Altermann | |
Post 4 | Eastern Bushveld and Nkomati | Christoph Gauert |